Building an AYP International Endowment Fund
Fundraiser launched October 17th 2024
We are in the process of building an endowment fund to support the long-term running of AYP International. This fund will initially be invested, and interest from the fund will go to support many aspects of AYP International including the following:
- Producing public videos for social media channels letting people know about the many benefits of yoga (no AYP social media channel is currently monetized).
- Sending emails out to let people know what trainings and events are available.
- Paying deposits for retreat venues so that we can expand events and trainings.
- Providing scholarships for people to be able to attend AYP events and trainings if they are on a low income.
- Hosting the free AYP lessons in a mobile-friendly format, so that they can remain available for anyone in the world with internet access.
- The fund could also be used to support long-term projects such as purchasing an AYP centre that can be used for retreats and trainings.
It is hoped that this will provide more long-term financial stability to the whole school and enable us to do many things that we would not have been able to do otherwise.
All donations towards this fund are welcome.
Total raised towards the endowment fund so far: US $1,070.00