
New modern AYP Public Forum

Fundraiser launched September 9th 2024

We are currently raising the money needed to move the existing AYP Public Forum to a new modern platform.

The existing forum has been going since 2003 and is on outdated software. Moving the forum to a new platform will increase the functionality of the forum including things like notifications of replies and new posting, access through mobile apps (iphone and Android) multi-threading, and better layout. It will also help to future-proof the forum by bringing it onto a modern database. 

The existing public forum is on an old database using an outdated data model and will require a software program to be written for conversion to a new modern platform. We need to raise $3,000 to cover the cost of doing this. 

We are hoping to raise the funds needed and to bring the AYP Public forum to a new platform by November or December 2024. 

If you would like to support this project please make a donation below. You can use either the Worldpay donation form, or the Paypal donation form. Both accept debit and credit cards from any country in the world. No card details are stored on this site. 

If you would prefer to make a donation by direct bank transfer in US dollars, Canadian dollars, Euros, Swiss francs, or British Pounds, please contact me directly here.

Thank you for your support! 


Community Forum
Percentage of goal raised so far
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Enter the amount you would like to donate in the box above in pounds sterling, and then click on "Proceed" below to make your card payment on the Worldpay secure server.

AYP International
Price: £
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Donating through Paypal

If you would like to make a donation to Tristan using Paypal, please use this link:

If you would like to make a regular monthly, or annual donations using PayPal, you can use the donate button below. Donations can be made in any currency and they are automatically converted to pounds sterling. You do not need to have a PayPal account: